The Mozilla Chandigarh community is the Mozilla Group initiative in Chandigarh. It is open for anyone who has the zeal for technology. We believe in peer-to-peer learning and therefore, aim towards a people-driven community.

We Believe in you!

We believe community collaboration is vital to creating an internet that is diverse, innovative, and accountable to the people who need it most. Whether you have a background in tech, community organizing, or just a computer and some free time, you can help us make the internet a better place. We commit to our goals to grow knowledge of our members on technologies through workshops and events.

Why to Join ?

You can become a part of a community made up of people from around the places who believe that they all have a role in ensuring that the technology remains a force for good. Below are some of the many benefits of joining the community.

Build Network



Our Events

Blending fun with learning. Events are an integral part of our community. Workshops, seminars, competitions, open-talks, and much more. Below are the events which were successfully conducted by Mozilla Chandigarh.

See Events
Open Source
Cyber Security
Machine Learning
Web Development
App Development

Project Hub

We believe that knowledge without proper implementation is of no use, therefore, indulging into projects is an important ritual for the developers of the community. In this area, you can submit your project which will be showcased in the website. State-of-the-art projects will be featured and the contributor will be given a chance to conduct a seminar regarding the same.

Note: We are not responsible for any sensitive data(for eg. API key) which you may provide within your project files/repository. Please double check your project details before submission.